Los Kids' Choice Awards 2013 estuvieron cargados de mucho talento y diversión en el Centro USC Galen, el sábado (23 de marzo) en Los Angeles.

El gran ganador de la noche fue Kristen Stewart, que obtuvo dos premios - Favorite Movie Actress por La Saga de Crepúsculo: Amanecer - Parte 2 y Favorite Female Buttkicker oir Blancanieves y el cazador.
Algunos otros grandes ganadores fueron Los Juegos del Hambre en las categorías Favorite Movie y Favorite Book Series, Katy Perry en Cantante Femenina Favorita, y Justin Bieber en Cantante Masculino Favorito.
Y esta es la lista completa de ganadores de los Kids' Choice Awards 2013 ...
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Reality Show:
Favorite Cartoon
"SpongeBob SquarePants"
Favorite TV Actor
Ross Lynch ("Austin & Ally")
Favorite TV Actress
Selena Gomez ("Wizards of Waverly Place")
Favorite Movie
"The Hunger Games"
Favorite Movie Actor
Johnny Depp ("Dark Shadows")
Favorite Movie Actress
Kristen Stewart ("The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2")
Favorite Animated Movie
"Wreck-It Ralph"
Favorite Voice from an Animated Movie
Adam Sandler ("Hotel Transylvania")
Favorite Male Buttkicker
Dwayne Johnson ("Journey 2: The Mysterious Island")
Favorite Female Buttkicker
Kristen Stewart ("Snow White and the Huntsman")
Favorite Music Group
One Direction
Favorite Male Singer
Justin Bieber
Favorite Female Singer
Katy Perry
Favorite Song
"What Makes You Beautiful" (One Direction)
Favorite Male Athlete
LeBron James WINNER
Michael Phelps
Tim Tebow
Shaun White
Favorite Female Athlete
Danica Patrick
Favorite Villain
Simon Cowell ("The X Factor")
Favorite Book
"The Hunger Games" series
Favorite Videogame
Just Dance 4
Favorite App
Temple Run

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